STEM Student Bursary Success

06 Jun 2024

Meet Heidi, who was awarded a Bursary through our STEM Student Bursary Program proudly sponsored by the Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project.
Heidi has started her first year of university, studying a Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning through UNE. We recently had the chance to interview her about her journey to university and how receiving a bursary has helped with her studies.
How will this bursary assist you with your studies?

This bursary has assisted me by taking the pressure off me to find the money to pay for textbooks. I can start studying before the courses begin to give me a bit of a head start. It also allowed me to register my car which was adding stress and impacting my studies.

What is your favourite part about studying through the CUC?

Studying through the CUC allows me to stay local and to participate in any role the university requires of me. It also allows me to stay employed while studying. Also having access to the computers at the Centre is very helpful especially if my own stops working.

What course are you currently studying and what made you choose a STEM degree?

I am currently studying for my Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning. After injuring myself on the job, I was bound to a desk during recovery. Whilst in the office I noticed and heard about a shortage of planners around the area and the country. After hearing about the shortage, I looked into what planners are required to do and found it fascinating. Then I looked at what I would need to be qualified to fill such a position.

What advice or tips would you give to other regional or rural students wanting to study?

If you want to study to become qualified, be anything you want, or become the best you can be. Don’t hesitate or wait as long as I did. With the technology and know-how and of course with places like the CUC available 24 hours a day, regional and rural people have a chance to excel too!

How important is having the CUC in your local area and why?

It is important to stay in my local area to continue full-time employment with the Kempsey Shire Council. Going to university improves my skills and allows me to move forward confidently. Not having the CUC locally would mean leaving my employment, finding accommodation close to the university, and being able to afford to do everything I need to do to live.

How important is having the CUC in your local area and why?

The CUC has given me a place to ask for advice, take exams in a favourable environment, and interact with like-minded individuals. I have to admit to having trouble with referencing as I have never had to reference my work in the past. The CUC has plenty of students or faculty members available to assist.

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